
Find Local - Facebook "Word of the Day"

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Facebook Word of the Day

Word of the Day: luckier

Word of the Day: revolter

Word of the Day: handsomely

Word of the Day: chelation

Word of the Day: outpracticed

Word of the Day: yuquillas

Word of the Day: picoline

Word of the Day: peakishness

Word of the Day: franklinton

Word of the Day: dimetric

Word of the Day: retitle

Word of the Day: unmended

Word of the Day: unmottled

Word of the Day: endearment

Word of the Day: diastase

Word of the Day: hormonic

Word of the Day: airworthy

Word of the Day: lllingite

Word of the Day: secretin

Word of the Day: unevoked

Word of the Day: discharger

Word of the Day: overdrain

Word of the Day: byzantine

Word of the Day: phototube

Word of the Day: bowelling

Word of the Day: cardiac

Word of the Day: employee

Word of the Day: titanic

Word of the Day: gibsonburg

Word of the Day: annatol